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The Imagine One 85 Steering Committee hosted in-person and virtual workshops between November 2020 and March 2021. More than 250 people have now participated in a Focus on the Future discussion and, together, have generated thousands of comments and ideas. Taking on the challenges posed by population decline, participants structured their comments as a response or solution. These ideas were wide-ranging, but clustered around several topics, including: housing, jobs, education, and amenities. The Imagine One 85 Planning Team will publish its report of the engagement round in late March on the website. 

The Focus on the Future engagement events took place in a variety of formats and locations across the county. Dozens of community members have shared their perspective through the online tool that has been available on the Imagine One 85 website since November. Nearly 150 residents participated in a series of four virtual engagements sessions held in November, December, and January. Finally, more than 50 participants attended the in-person workshops in Lagro, Roann, La Fontaine, North Manchester, and Wabash in early March. Some community members shared their feedback on paper while others opted to participate by completing the activities online. In total, nearly 250 community members have contributed more than 2,100 comments and pieces of input throughout the general engagement process.

“It’s not just about jobs.  We also need to sell our area as a great place to live.
We need to have people across Indiana visit and take advantage of our beauty and history.” 

Lagro Area Resident, Virtual Session Participant 

Participants recognized the challenges posed by population decline and focused their comments on different approaches to address this issue.  Many community members suggested that enriching the education system should be a priority for the county, noting that strong schools would be both a draw for new residents and a reason for young families to stay.  Similarly, creating more and better-paying jobs is essential to retain and attract new residents.  Many comments noted the high prices and limited variety of housing types, citing these factors as barriers to younger residents, renters, and first-time home buyers; increasing housing options and affordability should be another priority. 

As the internet has become increasingly essential in modern society, community members assert that the county will need to expand and improve high-speed internet access for all residents. 

Additional themes include developing amenities and attractions, embracing racial and cultural diversity, strengthening health and social support services, and broadening marketing efforts. 

Community members were also asked to identify places on a map that were either “strong” places or places of “opportunity.” Participants offered more than 700 comments, with both “strong” and “opportunity” locations identified broadly across the county and in each community.

In addition to the Focus on the Future Community Workshops, special Stakeholder Sessions were held to focus on specific topics related to the plan. More than 20 small groups were convened, including middle school students, commuters, and natural resources managers of parks, reservoirs, trails, and forests. Participants in these groups shared their unique perspectives and expertise to bolster the planning process. 

The Steering Committee will meet at the end of March to establish the draft vision and conceptual direction for the plan, based on the community input received in round one.  The committee will also begin to prepare for a major community event in the early Summer.  Community members will be invited to review and to share their feedback on the draft vision and goals.  

Anyone still interested in offering their input may continue to make comments and participate through the online community survey.

Families need housing they can afford. If they can afford their housing, their families and children are better equipped to handle life.  A good education in a small town is ideal because people want the small town feel, but the big-town schools that are funded and offer more.  Partnerships across communities are important in Wabash because if we travel within our county to provide for everyone instead of traveling outside of it—we all win.

Community Member, Online Participant


A team of elected and appointed officials, civic leaders, and organizations has launched  an innovative, comprehensive planning process for the five incorporated communities of Wabash County.  The plan, called Imagine One 85, is prompted by Wabash County’s steady and alarming decline in population that threatens school funding, industry and job growth, economic development and competitive wages, the availability of retail and professional services, and home values.  Together, leaders and citizens from all sectors will develop a bold, comprehensive plan for the growth and prosperity of the entire county and the incorporated communities of La Fontaine, Lagro, North Manchester, Roann and Wabash.

Imagine One 85 is led by a 19-member Steering Committee made up of elected and appointed officials from each of the county’s communities and county government.  In addition, an Outreach Team–consisting of more than 100 community members—will assist the steering committee in spreading the word about the process and key community engagement opportunities.  A multi-disciplinary consultant team led by Planning NEXT of Columbus, Ohio, is facilitating the process in close coordination with leadership from the Community Foundation of Wabash County (CFWC) and Grow Wabash County (GWC). 

Imagine One 85 is led by the CFWC and GWC and a team of elected and appointed officials representing Wabash County, the City of Wabash, and the towns of LaFontaine, Lagro, North Manchester, and Roann.  The process is funded by the Community Foundation, a grant from Lilly Endowment Inc., Grow Wabash County, Manchester University, all of the county’s incorporated communities and private citizens. 

Visit the Imagine One 85 process website to find out more about the process or to contribute your input.  

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