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Mighty Wabash County Micro-Grant Application Opens

By February 20, 2023No Comments

Mighty Wabash County Micro-Grant Application Opens

Application Link:

Applications are now open for the Imagine One 85 Mighty Wabash County Micro-Grant program funded by the Community Foundation of Wabash County.

This micro-grant program provides up to $1,000 in funding to charitable projects proposed and spearheaded by members of the Wabash County community. Eligible projects must align with at least one of the following categories: Beautification; Entrepreneurship & Innovation; Arts & Culture; and/or Health & Wellness. 

“It is our hope to use this program as another tool to inspire more community champions and engagement across Wabash County. Thanks to the generosity of the Community Foundation of Wabash County, we look forward to reviewing applications from County residents, students, nonprofits, community organizations, or any other stakeholders that have a project idea that will continue to propel our community forward.” – Alex Downard, Director of Imagine One 85 implementation efforts. 

The launch of the Mighty Wabash County Micro-Grant program was identified as a top priority in the Imagine One 85 strategic plan that was adopted countywide in the Summer of 2022 as a way to “build pride in the community and encourage taking action around projects or programs that excite residents.”

Community members looking to receive funding from the Mighty Wabash County program are asked to complete the online application at: or by scanning the QR code below. Applications will be reviewed, scored and awarded on a rolling basis. Only 10 eligible projects will receive funding of up to $1,000 through this program.

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